Luminarias in New Mexico |
As Katie pointed out during her visit to California last week, wintertime also naturally coincides with a looking inward. I've been thinking a lot about inward and outward, lightness and darkness, as the season seems to reflect my own process of dealing with mortality and seeking ways to bring greater light into life. After a few weeks of toil, I am finding that it is the interplay that makes each of these topics rich because without darkness, light does not exist. But this realization has not been sufficient to ease me.
Mortality has vexed the ages spurring philosophy, art, literature, and poetry since their inception and certainly troubling cavemen long before that. I know I am in good company. The trouble is that although everyone faces mortality, it is easier to ignore, to push death into the nebulous “that is going to happen later” category, if your life has not been knowingly threatened. Once you have been on the brink, how do you go back to selecting which kind of peanut butter to buy in the grocery store? Crunchy or smooth? Added sugar or just the mashed nuts? Or worse yet, how do you create long term goals or visions? I went through this same soul tug of war five years ago with my first cancer and now here I am again, struggling with the same questions. In many ways, I am finding round two more challenging. But yesterday afternoon I had a glimmer of one path forward. Think less, act more.
Think less, act more. This is contrary to how I have lived most of my life, so it is going to take some work but I am willing to give it a try because it aligns with my long term goal: inviting ease into my life. This is an experiment. Stay tuned.
In the mean time, Happy Solstice and here’s to more light and less darkness ahead.