Monday, July 23, 2012

Surgery Update

Jessica is out of surgery!  She has been moved to the recovery room and is doing great!  The surgeons said that both the mastectomy and the expander placement went very smooth, no complications, completely straight forward.  Now we wait for Jess to recover.  More updates to come!

*** UPDATE ***
Jessica is out of the recovery room, has zero nausea (is actually drinking a lot, and eating crackers and jello), and is doing great.  she is even feeling up to updating her own blog.  The following is Jessica (slightly drugged) updating her blog (David acting as stenographer):

Hi everybody! that was the best saltine cracker I have ever eaten in my entire life!  We have a view of the city, and I hope to get the oxygen nose prongs out soon.  I'm doing well, and I have been getting wonderful care.  David is staying over night with me in the hospital, and my parents are staying in Oakland with Marc and Lynne(one block from Obama).  Thanks for all the LOVE, good energy, and support. I felt totally surrounded by goodness and healing. 


  1. Great news. Wonderful that everything went so well. You work on recovering and we'll keep the positive mental energy coming.

  2. Yay! So happy to hear. Sending you oodles and kaboodles of positive healing energy from Esalen, which I think is the very place where positive healing energy was *invented*. They're giving it away by the gallon! All to you, dear Jess. Keep up the great work and can't wait to see you in your special hipster/fanny pack/drain outfits.

  3. Great news. Also sending lots good thoughts and healing energy from Rohnert Park - not quite the epicenter of Esalen but we do what we can. Sending something your way on Friday via Mariah and Kamin - made for you with much love. take care of you!
